00:06:48 Luke Walsh: Woot, woot. Congrats with award. 00:09:22 Vanessa Franklin: We will make sure to share the recording and all resources from this session with you all! Thanks for joining! 00:16:24 Luke Walsh: Great point about the value of a name. 00:42:46 Luke Walsh: Do you have examples of celebrating “non-white males”. I think I try to make students aware but I would like to be able to _celebrate_ those. 00:47:05 Jo Lynn Theobald: Great session! Thank you! 00:47:46 Marisa Dobbeleare: https://www.mheducation.com/highered/ideas/vidyard-all-players-6/adrians-story-full-2 00:47:56 Marisa Dobbeleare: Adrian’s story, check it out!! ^ 00:49:50 Kimberly Hess: Thank you! 00:49:51 Marisa Dobbeleare: Trivia starts at 4 PM Central! Here’s the link: https://zoom.us/j/96790583965?pwd=RlRkVzdmdDJXSGJzRVlnTnRrQVBzdz09 Meeting ID: 967 9058 3965 Password: spokane 00:49:55 Jim Ham: Thank you. 00:50:10 Luke Walsh: Thanks so much for sharing! 00:50:14 Judy McFarland: Thank-you. This was by far the best presentation I have attended today. 00:50:15 Marisa Dobbeleare: Visit https://bit.ly/AMATYC2020 (registration page) to view the upcoming sessions! 00:50:19 Jonathan Bullard: Thanks!