Title: K-12 Statistics and Data Science Guidelines: Impacting College Courses
Speaker: Christine Franklin, the ASA K-12 Statistical Ambassador
Sponsoring Committees: AMATYC/ASA Joint Statistics Committee and AMATYC Teacher Preparation Committee
Date: Thursday, February 25, 2021
Time: 4:00 PM Eastern / 3:00 PM Central / 2:00 PM Mountain / 1:00 PM Pacific
Abstract: Introductory college statistics courses play an influential role in the education of future K-12 teachers. The newly revised ASA Pre-K-12 GAISE II document addresses the essentials needed to prepare students for success in K-12 and post-secondary statistics and data science courses. This webinar will discuss the revised GAISE II and actively explore data science examples that demonstrate the evolution from the K-12 to the post-secondary level.