AMATYC Forum on Mathematics Pathways Position Statement

When:  Aug 5, 2021 from 09:00:00 to 10:00:00 (PT)
Associated with  Mathematics Pathways ANet

Your input is invited for the position statement on Mathematics Pathways. The Input Forum will be held Thursday, August 5, at 9:00 am to 10:00 am Pacific Time. This position statement is sponsored by the Pathways Joint Subcommittee (PJS) of the Developmental Mathematics Committee, Math Intensive, and Statistics Committee. The position statement encourages higher education institutions to implement well-designed mathematics pathways with recommendations. The current draft can be viewed here. Please join us and share your thoughts for the final edit of the position statement. You may also send comments prior to the forum to PJS chair Dr. Helen Burn at using the subject line "Position Statement Comments."


Online Instructions:
Login: As an AMATYC member, you received an email notice about the event that included a registration link. We encourage you to register so that you receive reminders. However, you are also welcome to join our Zoom meeting through a direct connection: Meeting ID: 949 6863 3754 Passcode: 954306 One tap mobile +16699006833,,94968633754# US


Helen Burn