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IMPACT Plus - A Guide for 2-year college faculty to publish research 

05-25-2022 08:27:34

Title: A guide for two-year college faculty to research published in the Journal of Statistics and Data Science Education

Author: Nicholas J. Horton, Amherst College

The AMATYC IMPACT Live report quotes Szent-Gyorgyi (1957) as saying: “Research is to see what everybody else has seen, and to think what nobody else has thought.”

The Journal of Statistics and Data Science Education (formerly the Journal of Statistics Education) was founded in 1993 as a venue to share high-quality papers on statistics education along with wisdom, guidance, and best practices about statistics and data science pedagogy. It was established as and remains an open-access peer-reviewed journal with no author publication fees and a commitment to accessibility for readers and authors.

The journal, now published by the American Statistical Association and Taylor & Francis, provides an outlet for important research on statistics and data science education with an intention to make research and scholarship in this area accessible to instructors.

The AMATYC IMPACT Live report highlighted key areas where additional research is needed, including student engagement and student success. JSDSE has lots to offer here, with no costs or barriers to access. Here are some examples:

Publishing papers in this area is a necessary but insufficient step towards implementing the changes that we need in our introductory statistics and data science courses. The last paper in my list provides a great example of how change is needed department-wide. In their 2018 paper, Lisa Bloomer Green, Nancy McCormick, Scott McDaniel, Ginger Holmes Rowell, and Jeremy Strayer describe how they created and fostered a course community to up their game and foster student success. This work is hard, on top of all that we are still juggling in terms of the pandemic. However, the potential positive impacts on our students and ourselves are enormous.

As editor of JSDSE, I remain committed to fostering these types of discussions by the community, based on sound research and scholarship.

Nicholas Horton is Beitzel Professor of Technology and Society at Amherst College. He serves as the co-chair of the National Academies Committee on Applied and Theoretical Statistics. He is co-author of the OER “Modern Data Science with R (2e)”. 

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