Dear AMATYC friends,
The MAA project I work with has put together some free, online workshops open to anyone with a leadership position in a mathematics department at a Minority Serving Institution. There are three new meetings based on topics identified during our kickoff meeting in November 2023, which some of you attended. These 90-minute Zoome events take place 3:30-5:00pm EST on February 22, March 7, and March 21. Space is limited (to maximize networking and brainstorming opportunities) and you must register to atttend.
Please note that because of the limited size of these sessions, only leaders at minority serving institutions are eligible to attend. Other interested people should reach out to to learn of other opportunities for professional development and networking. Also feel free to email me (Doug) if you have questions.
Scheduled Sessions in 2024
- February 22: Empowering Underrepresented Minority Students in Mathematics Through Culturally Relevant Pedagogy and Curriculum, Dr. Shelley M. Jones
- March 7: Alternative Grading Strategies and its benefit to URM Students, Dr. Sharona Krinsky
- March 21: Using Institutional Data to Guide Efforts Toward Equity and Inclusion, Dr. Rachel Funk and Dr. Kelsey Quaisley
More Details
With support from the National Science Foundation (NSF DUE-2111260), the Mathematical Association of America is leading a series of online conversations for mathematics leaders, defined broadly to include department chairs, program directors, committee chairs, deans, etc, from minority serving institutions, from two-year colleges to research universities. Participants will (a) hear from experts on issues of common importance to mathematics curriculum and pedagogy; (b) brainstorm around challenges, solutions, and resources, with a seat at the table for guiding future work of the professional societies; and (c) join a national network of colleagues with similar interests.
Learn more at
Doug Ensley, Director of MAA OPEN Math
Douglas Ensley
Mathematical Association of America