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IMPACTful Blog (Standards Team): See what’s new in Beyond Crossroads Chapter 6!

By Mark Earley posted 09-09-2024 15:28:28


Over the past two years, members of AMATYC have worked in teams to update Chapter 6 in Beyond Crossroads, which is about Curriculum and Program Development. We have received feedback from members through three open forums in Summer 2023 and Summer 2024. We are now in the final stages of revising this chapter so it can go to the 2024 Delegate Assembly for approval, and we need your feedback!


What revisions have your colleagues made?

  1. A team from the Statistics & Data Science ANet, led by Mark Earley, created two new sections not in the originally published document: one for statistics courses and one for data science programs. The team also reviewed the document to add mentions of statistics and data science where appropriate.

  2. A team from the Developmental Math ANet, led by Ben Moulton and Kathy Van Wagoner completely re-wrote that section.

  3. A team from the Math Intensive ANet, led by Helen Burn, Bob Capetta, and Mark Caparula, completely re-wrote that section.

  4. Members of the International Math ANet, led by Barbara Leitherer, Hong Yuan, and Dave Tannor, suggested sentences and bullets related to the increasingly global nature of mathematics and statistics throughout the document where appropriate.

  5. Members of the MAC ANet, led by Daniel Ozimek updated that section and included a new section title: Technical and Career-Related Course and Programs.

  6. Members of the Teacher Preparation ANet updated references and ideas in that section, led by Xianwei Van Harpen, Keith Nabb, and Mark Kuhlman.

  7. Attendees at both the July 2024 and August 2024 open forums provided suggestions for updating the introduction and conclusion sections of the chapter.

  8. Karen Gaines, Julie Phelps, and Mark Earley worked on updates throughout the chapter not specific to any ANet.

  9. Scott Adamson provided language for “modernizing the curriculum” that will go into the introduction.

We need your expertise to finish this project! Please take a look at the current draft of Chapter 6 here. You can read through any section that interests you - you do not have to comment on the entire document! Then, in the discussion for IMPACTLive! this month, provide suggestions on how we can continue to improve the chapter. Suggestions can include (but are not limited to): current references for anything in the chapter, wording suggestions, examples, or anything else that you believe would enhance the chapter. You can copy/paste lines from the document, or just reference the given line numbers, with your suggestions. You are also invited to comment on other members’ suggestions in the discussion. This document will undergo thorough editing at the end of the process, so comments on spelling, grammar, spacing, and style are not necessary at this time.

