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IMPACT in Action - Making Small Changes Right from the Start

  • 1.  IMPACT in Action - Making Small Changes Right from the Start

    Posted 08-08-2022 08:45:00
    What small changes can you make (or have you made) to make your syllabus more equitable, accessible and welcoming, even while keeping to a school-mandated template?

    Lisa Feinman
    Project ACCCESS Coordinator
    CC of Baltimore County
    Catonsville MD

  • 2.  RE: IMPACT in Action - Making Small Changes Right from the Start

    Posted 08-08-2022 15:35:00
    This summer I have started to include a statement about how I try to make my class equitable.  This is in addition to the required equity/nondiscrimination statement.  Something like this: We all have different lives, commitments, and priorities that dictate the timeline in which we can complete tasks. I do not believe this class should be the top priority in your life, but you are committing time for the next eight weeks. To accommodate the differences in our lives, I use the following guidelines. There is an automatic 3-day grace period for all assignments, quizzes, and exams. During this grace period, no points will be deducted for being late.  If you need an extension longer than 3-days, you may fill out and submit an extension request on Brightspace; whether an extension is granted is at the instructor's discretion.

    I have also stopped referring to Office Hours and now call them Student Access Hours on the syllabus and on my posted schedule.

    Celeste Petersen
    Mathematics Instructor
    Clatsop CC
    Astoria OR

  • 3.  RE: IMPACT in Action - Making Small Changes Right from the Start

    Posted 08-09-2022 10:40:00
    Celeste, I really like the wording on your deadlines!  I've been thinking about doing something similar. I usually do, just don't state it in the syllabus, but I am aware that that in itself is not equitable, since many students may not know to ask.

    I have tried "Student Hours" instead of "Office Hours" but students still didn't come - I am going to try "Open Hours" this semester.  How has it worked for you?

    Lisa Feinman
    Project ACCCESS Coordinator
    CC of Baltimore County
    Catonsville MD

  • 4.  RE: IMPACT in Action - Making Small Changes Right from the Start

    Posted 08-09-2022 10:35:00
    For the fall, I have added the following statements: Every student in this class, regardless of background, sex, gender, race, ethnicity, class, political affiliation, physical or mental ability, or any identity category, is a valued and equal member of the group. We all bring different experiences to this class and no one experience has more value or import than another. In fact, it is our different experiences that will enrich the course content. I encourage every student to share their own experiences as they are relevant to the course, but I also stress that no student is ever presumed to speak for anything or anyone more than their own experience or point of view. Furthermore, in this classroom, you have the right to determine your own identity. You have the right to be called by whatever name you wish, and for that name to be pronounced correctly. You have the right to be referred to by whatever pronoun you identify. You have the right to adjust those things at any point. If there are aspects of the instruction of this course that result in barriers to your inclusion or a sense of alienation from the course content, please contact me privately without fear of reprisal. 

    Also, through my syllabus, I have written the availability of my student hours as well as the various tutoring options that my school has. 

    Vicki Todd
    Southwestern CC
    Sylva NC

  • 5.  RE: IMPACT in Action - Making Small Changes Right from the Start

    Posted 08-09-2022 10:42:00
    Vicki, what an absolutely positive, inclusive statement!  Have you found that it has resonated well with your students, or is this the first time you have tried it?

    Lisa Feinman
    Project ACCCESS Coordinator
    CC of Baltimore County
    Catonsville MD

  • 6.  RE: IMPACT in Action - Making Small Changes Right from the Start

    Posted 08-09-2022 11:30:00
    This is a new statement that I am using this semester.

    Vicki Todd
    Southwestern CC
    Sylva NC

  • 7.  RE: IMPACT in Action - Making Small Changes Right from the Start

    Posted 08-26-2022 11:18:00

    Luke Walsh
    Catawba Valley CC
    Hickory NC

  • 8.  RE: IMPACT in Action - Making Small Changes Right from the Start

    Posted 08-14-2022 08:53:00
    Edited by Violeta Kovacev-Nikolic 08-14-2022 08:59:11
    Hi Lisa!...

    I have just completed a course on "Culturally Responsive Teaching" (it ended yesterday). One of the tasks was to change any chosen part of the syllabus and to switch the language to sound more welcoming (as opposed to punitive). We shared both versions, the "before and after." I worked on netiquette, and these are some changed statements.

    • Speaking in class: Did you know that Zoom has a "raise your hand" feature? Using that option, we allow the speaker to finish what they got to say before we share our ideas. It is also helpful to keep our microphones muted while someone else is speaking.
    • Chat option: Our class sessions are interactive. Feel free to use the chat to ask questions and post responses; your participation benefits the entire class. However, unrelated comments might distract peers (just as side talks in the classroom).
    • Let's build a supportive community! We learn better in a friendly and supportive environment. It is okay to make mistakes. Every learning process involves making errors; that is, errors are a normal part of any learning process – it's how we clarify concepts. 
    • We can agree to disagree! Different people have different ideas; even if we do not agree with something, we can politely disagree. Our choice of words, tone, gestures, and overall behavior is very important in all social settings, and our class environment is no exception. Let's decide to stay civil at all times! If anyone (including myself) makes a comment that does not feel right, I will be happy to discuss the matter and fix it to the best of my abilities.


    Violeta Kovacev-Nikolic
    Full time faculty
    College of the Canyons
    Santa Clarita CA

  • 9.  RE: IMPACT in Action - Making Small Changes Right from the Start

    Posted 08-14-2022 11:13:00
    Violeta, are you planning to add them to your syllabus?  I have a template we HAVE to follow, but it's such a long syllabus that I usually give my students a one-page summary with the important information, and that is where I plan to use warmer language.

    Lisa Feinman
    Project ACCCESS Coordinator
    CC of Baltimore County
    Catonsville MD

  • 10.  RE: IMPACT in Action - Making Small Changes Right from the Start

    Posted 08-14-2022 12:17:00
    I used to do a separate "Welcome Doc" that was basically a humanized syllabus (without the required student learning objectives and all that nonsense) and then a syllabus for the administration. It served me well for many years. Now I just bury all the required syllabus stuff on an almost hidden page on my liquid syllabus. And I print all the pages of my liquid syllabus using the GoFullPage addon for chrome for admin. 

    Syllabus Language: I saw some excellent language for all sorts of late work policies posted on Twitter at this Flexibility with Boundaries site. And Vanderbilt's Syllabus Design page also has some good examples for all types of statements.

    Student Visiting Hours: To add to the discussion and framing for office hours, I recently saw this on Twitter and thought it was brilliant: Viji Sathy's Guide to Office Hours

    Kelly Spoon
    Associate Professor
    San Diego Mesa College
    San Diego CA

  • 11.  RE: IMPACT in Action - Making Small Changes Right from the Start

    Posted 08-14-2022 16:46:00
    Hi Kelly,

    Thank you for sharing! I appreciate all the resources you shared! 

    Violeta Kovacev-Nikolic
    Full time faculty
    College of the Canyons
    Santa Clarita CA

  • 12.  RE: IMPACT in Action - Making Small Changes Right from the Start

    Posted 08-14-2022 13:06:00
    Hi Lisa,

    Yes, I am planning to include these!... Apart from the requirement to state certain stuff in our syllabi, we do not have a strictly prescribed template. We obtain sample syllabi from our coordinators, but they are suggestions. I have one (long) syllabus, which evolved through time until it got so long.

    However, now that I think about it, it seems like a great idea to have two versions; one could be shorter, like the summary you mentioned, where students see all the important info. Then a longer version could entail all the jingles and bells. Also, in a few recent workshops, I heard faculty talking about a liquid syllabus, but I don't think there is time to build it for the upcoming semester. There are many ideas and resources; lately, I often look through the ACUE's syllabus guidelines; another useful repository is offered through the OnCourse (they ask to register, but otherwise, it is free to access).

    Lots of greetings,

    Violeta Kovacev-Nikolic
    Full time faculty
    College of the Canyons
    Santa Clarita CA

  • 13.  RE: IMPACT in Action - Making Small Changes Right from the Start

    Posted 08-26-2022 11:28:00
    A few years ago I came across this document about how to make your syllabus more equitable.
    The document is 5 years old, but I think it is still very relevant.  Most of all it helped me with the language I was using in my syllabus.  Also, now all of my syllabus are in a Desmos format.  This allow me to give students the opportunity to offer feedback on any parts of the syllabus. I get student feedback like, "No questions", "Thanks for including your pronouns.", "How many times can I be absent?", "I am excited to start this course.", all of which I would possible not hear if I just gave them a document.

    Here is a link to the syllabi that I have created based on that document.

    Luke Walsh
    Catawba Valley CC
    Hickory NC

  • 14.  RE: IMPACT in Action - Making Small Changes Right from the Start

    Posted 08-26-2022 12:46:00
    Edited by Jennifer Ackerman 08-26-2022 13:02:39
    Wow! Thanks for sharing, Luke!!

    Any chance you can give lessons on how you create all these things in DESMOS?!!

    Jennifer Ackerman
    Jefferson CTC
    Louisville KY

  • 15.  RE: IMPACT in Action - Making Small Changes Right from the Start

    Posted 08-26-2022 22:52:00
    That is amazing - thank you so much for sharing these beautiful resources, Luke!...

    Jennifer, that is a wonderful idea - it would be so meaningful to have a workshop (or workshops) on Desmos!... This summer, I attended the MAA's Math Modeling workshop with SIMIODE, and there was a guest who presented various Desmos activities. I think all math faculty would love to see such presentations/workshops.


    Violeta Kovacev-Nikolic
    Full time faculty
    College of the Canyons
    Santa Clarita CA