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Mathematics Biology Pathways

  • 1.  Mathematics Biology Pathways

    Posted 7 days ago

    In our MI ANet meeting in Atlanta, it was requested of me to share the suggested pathway of a Mathematics Biology major starting at a 2-year school.  Math Bio is a newer major being offered at select universities.  It was suggested by the MAA that a joint MAA/AMATYC team would develop a pathway model for Math Bio students starting at 2-year schools.  This pathway has been approved by the CUPM and the Council of Teaching and Learning, but not yet by MAA.  Though it probably will within the next few months.

    We decided on two pathway approaches:  One with Biology emphasis and one with a balanced approach.  We decided not to do a math emphasis, because it would put the student behind in biology.

    the semester hour amount is listed after the dash for each course

    Sample sequence with biology emphasis:

    Semester 1  

    Calc I  - 4

    Chemistry I - 4

    English College Course - 3

    Distribution Course - 3

    Semester 2

    Calc II - 4

    Biology Majors Course 1 - 4
    Chem II - 4

    Distribution Course - 3

    Semester 3 (remind the student about the need to identify transfer institution).
    Calc III - 4

    Biology Majors Course II - 4 

    Organic Chemistry I - 4 or 5

    Distribution course or Intro programming - 3 

    Semester 4

    Organic Chemistry II - 5

    Genetics - 4

    Physics (maybe) or Distribution Course- (3 or 4)

    Distribution course (3 or 4)

    Linear Algebra, Differential Equations, Discrete Mathematics, Statistics (3 or 4)*

     Sample sequence with balanced distribution (this is particularly suitable for students interested in an earlier introduction to data science and/or intend to transfer to a four-year institution that does not require organic chemistry for its mathematical biology program):

    Semester 1  

    Calc I  - 4

    Chemistry I - 4

    English College Course - 3

    Distribution Course - 3

    Semester 2

    Calc II - 4

    Biology Majors Course 1 - 4
    Chem II - 4

    Distribution Course - 3

    Semester 3 (remind the reader about the need to identify transfer institution).
    Calc III - 4

    Biology Majors Course II - 4

    Differential Equations - 3 or 4/Linear Algebra - 3/Data Science - 3 or 4

    Distribution course or Intro programming - 3

    Semester 4

    Differential Equations - 3 or 4/Linear Algebra - 3/Data Science - 3 or 4

    Genetics - 4

    Physics (maybe) or Distribution Course- 3 or 4 or Intro Programming - 3

    Distribution course 3 or 4

    Linear Algebra, Differential Equations, Discrete Mathematics, Statistics 3 or 4*

    *this may need to be taken at the transfer institutions.

    Michael Caparula
    Kankakee CC (retired)
    Kankakee IL