Global Learning and Mathematics
Literature Suggestions
Barbara Leitherer
Professor of Mathematics at CCBC, Maryland
I took a holistic approach when I created this list of peer-reviewed publications, discussion papers, articles, and websites as I am trying to bridge the fields of global education and mathematics. You will find the research angle covered, ideas presented for globalizing the curriculum, for teaching mathematics with “cultural eyes”, and for gaining an employment edge in the ever changing work place of the 21st century.
1. Organization for Economic Co-operation and Development (OECD). (2016) PISA 2015
Assessment and Analytical Framework: Science, Reading, Mathematics and Financial Literacy. Paris: OECD
- International Commission on Mathematical Instruction (ICMI). (2017) ICMI Study 24 Discussion Document, School Mathematics Curriculum Reforms: Challenges, Changes and Opportunities
- Schwank, Inge (1999): European Research in Mathematics Education I – Proceedings of the First Conference of the European Society in Mathematics Education Vol. I; Forschungsinstitut fuer Mathematikdidaktik, Osnabrueck, Internet Version ISBN: 3-925386-50-5
- Rusciano, Frank L. (Summer 2014): Globalizing the Curriculum – How to Incorporate a Global Perspective into your Course. Liberal Education
- Landorf, Hilary, and Stephanie P. Doscher (2018): Why Global Learning is Foundational to Higher Education. Trends & Insights by NAFSA: Association of International Educators, pp. 1-4
- Yvette d’Entremont (2015): Linking mathematics, culture and community. Procedia – Social and Behavioral Sciences 174 (2015) 2818 – 2824
- Lipka et al. (2005): Math in a Cultural Context: Two Case Studies of a Successful Culturally Based Math Project. Anthropology and Education Quarterly, Vol. 36, No. 4, pp. 367-385, ISSN 0161-7761, online ISSN 1548-1492.
- Stemn, Blidi S. (2010): Teaching Mathematics with “Cultural Eyes”. Race, Gender & Class, 17(1/2). 154-162. Retrieved from
- Krevisky, S. & Sami, F. (May 2014): What Is The Relevance Of TIMSS and PISA Data For Mathematics Educators? MathAMATYC Educator – The International Issue, Volume 5, Number 3
- Sami, Fari. (February 2013): South Korea: A Success Story in Mathematics Education. MathAMATYC Educator, Volume 4, Number 2
- Kaiser, G. & Sriraman, B. (2006): A global survey on international perspectives on modeling in mathematics education. Zentralblatt fuer Didaktik der Mathematik, 38(3): 302-310
- Farrugia, C. & Sanger, J. (2017): Gaining an Employment Edge: The Impact of Study Abroad on 21st Century Skills & Career Prospects in the United States, 2013-2016. IIE Center for Academic Mobility Research and Impact.
- (2016). Getting Skills Right: Assessing and Anticipating Changing Skill Needs. Paris: OECD Publishing. Retrieved from:
- National Association of Colleges and Employers (NACE). (2017). Career Readiness Defined. Retrieved
- Landorf, K. MacArthur, & S. Klahr. (2019) Global Learning Inspires College-Level Mathematics. AAC&U News, Insights and Campus Innovations in Liberal Arts Education. Retrieved from:
- P. Doscher & H. Landorf. (2018) Universal Global Learning, Inclusive Excellence, and Higher Education’s Greater Purpose. Peer Review, 20(1). Retrieved from:
- Appelbaum, L. M. Friedler, C. E. Ortiz, E. F. Wolff. (2009) Internationalizing the University Mathematics Curriculum. Journal of Studies in International Education, 13: 365-381. Retrieved from:
- Whitehead. (2015) Global Learning: Key to Making Excellence Inclusive. Liberal Education, 101(3). Retrieved from:
- Ginsberg & R. J. Wlodkowski. (2009) Diversity and Motivation: Culturally Responsive Teaching in College, 2nd ed. (San Francisco: Jossey-Bass).
- Association for Supervision and Curriculum Development. (2015) 21st Century Skills. Policy Priorities: A Lexicon for Educating the Whole Child (and Preparing the Whole Adult), 21(2): 6-6. Retrieved from:
- Withanachchi. (Spring 2018) Millennials Killing Cultural Ignorance through Virtual Exchange. Revisions – a Journal on Writing at Queens College, Issue 15: p.6. Retrieved from: