It's great to hear of all the success happening. Every successful attempt at corequisites helps everyone else find their own path to doing them.------------------------------
Kathryn Van Wagoner
Director, Developmental Mathematics
Weber State Univ
Ogden UT
Original Message:
Sent: 09-18-2020 09:43
From: Jennifer Ganowsky
Subject: IMPACT In Action - Corequisites Discussion #!
One of the challenges to implementing a corequisite model is that teachers must work least the way we do it. We have corequisite students in every section of our math class, Math 1030 Contemporary Mathematics; then these students are in one the two co-requisite, Math 0930, classes we offer, taught by a developmental math teacher. There are three teachers teaching Math 1030. So, that is 4 teachers working together, staying on the same schedule, and communicating often about tests, homework, activities, students, etc. I am happy with how our teachers work together, and that will definitely impact the success of the course.
Jennifer Ganowsky
Coordinator of Developmental Math
Southern Utah Univ
Cedar City UT
Original Message:
Sent: 09-18-2020 09:42
From: Jennifer Ganowsky
Subject: IMPACT In Action - Corequisites Discussion #!
Corequisite models are a proven alternative to traditional developmental mathematics. Institutions are finding a myriad of ways of implementing these models.
What's your corequisite journey?
What was the greatest challenge to implementation and what did you do to overcome the challenge?
Jennifer Ganowsky
Coordinator of Developmental Math
Southern Utah Univ
Cedar City UT