Thank you for sharing these Pat! I really like the idea of having students get their project pre-approved so you can make sure they are on track. Plus, the Zoom meeting with you at the end is a chance to ask follow-up questions and make sure you know what they did (or what caused any problems so it can be fairly and accurately assessed). One of my goals is to start including projects but I am so worried about running into grading challenges. But, if I had a "before" and "after" meeting with each student or team I feel like that would help them produce better work and help me to assess their work.
Leah Beck
Professor of Developmental Mathematics
Collin College - McKinney Campus
McKinney TX
Original Message:
Sent: 03-19-2021 17:30
From: Pat Riley
Subject: IMPACT In Action #2-Kicking Projects Up a Notch
I teach almost exclusively with projects. Students usually have smaller weekly projects and then a midterm and final. I am attaching my midterm and final directions for this semester.....along with a couple of my more favorite smaller projects.
Pat Riley
Hopkinsville CC
Hopkinsville KY
Original Message:
Sent: 03-11-2021 07:04
From: Julie Hanson
Subject: IMPACT In Action #2-Kicking Projects Up a Notch
Statistics and data science courses have great potential for engaging projects. Do you have any project suggestions for other instructors? We encourage you to post rubrics, student handouts, practical advice in the All Purpose Library for instructors who may be assigning a project for the first time, or anything else you think a fellow instructor might find useful. Place the link to your entry inside your reply to this discussion.
Julie Hanson
Professor of Mathematics and Statistics
Clinton CC
Plattsburgh NY