A math placement philosophy states the goal of placement at your college and guides the actions/policies you put in place to meet this goal.
- Does your college have a placement philosophy, and is there agreement on this philosophy between all stakeholders (math faculty, enrollment services/registration staff, administrators, advisors, trustees, etc.)?
- Who is responsible for determining the types of placement at your college? Who is responsible for implementing placement at your college? How are decisions about placement made at your college?
- Is your placement process welcoming to students? Is it easy for students to navigate? Does your process explain to prospective students the importance of math placement to their success in college?
- Can students place into different math pathways through your placement system?
- Is your placement mandatory? Do you guide students for options for placement and then trust them to make good choices (i.e. guided self-placement or directed self-placement), or do you feel it is necessary to enforce mandatory placement? Explain your reasoning.
Garrett Gregor
Clark College
Vancouver WA