Project GAINS

AMATYC Project GAINS (Graduate student And Instructor Networking System) is a new AMATYC project designed to attract and engage members from underrepresented groups in AMATYC activities with the goals of situating AMATYC as a welcoming environment for students and faculty from underrepresented groups and assisting all AMATYC members in providing stimulating and equitable educational opportunities for all students through the described activities.

On this page you will find the following:
Latest Discussions - These are items about which we will have conversations.
Announcements - General information will be posted here from time to time.
Latest Files Shared in Library - Documents, Videos, Links, etc. to relevant content.
Calendar - Relevant events.
Blogs - Content on topics in a format similar to articles in a newspaper.

If you are interested in joining Project GAINS, please use the Request to Join button on the All Communities page.

#ProjectGAINS #InterviewTips#CareerAdvice #GraduateStudents #ResumeTips #CoverLetters #TeachingPhilosophy #JobAnnouncements

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Current Members
12 Members
community Admin
community Admin
community Moderator
community Admin
community Moderator