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  • 1.  Upcoming sessions, topics that spark interest?

    Posted 05-22-2023 18:47:00

     Hope to see you on Wednesday, 24th May at our monthly mindfulness session. In June, we are planning for Wednesday, the 21st, which is the International Yoga day, and we thought we'll focus on Yoga and mindfulness. Do you have suggestions for topics in the future at our meetups? Or any workshop recommendations? Summer might be a time for refreshing and rejuvenating.

    Manisha Ranade
    Associate Professor
    Santa Fe College
    Gainesville FL

  • 2.  RE: Upcoming sessions, topics that spark interest?

    Posted 04-23-2024 16:45:00

    I've been thinking lately about ways to introduce mindfulness to students as a way to reduce stress. Can we have a discussion about that? 

    Cristy Hanlon
    West Virginia Univ - Parkersburg
    Parkersburg WV

  • 3.  RE: Upcoming sessions, topics that spark interest?

    Posted 04-28-2024 13:12:00

    Hi Cristy,

    Sure, do you practice mindfulness and want to share it in your class or talk to students individually? Few years ago, I did a pilot study on reducing Math anxiety with mindfulness. It was promising, though it did take a good amount of effort, so I have not kept it up. It is much easier to talk to students one on one about stress reduction strategies. I would love to hear your experience,

    Manisha Ranade
    Associate Professor
    Santa Fe College
    Gainesville FL

  • 4.  RE: Upcoming sessions, topics that spark interest?

    Posted 04-28-2024 13:49:00

    I'd be very interested to hear what you did for your study. I haven't done anything yet; I'm just interested in the topic because I encounter students with math anxiety all the time. I teach introductory math courses for most of my course load, so a lot of my students are just entering college and have a lot of anxiety about their first math class. I'm interested in tools I can introduce to them as a class or ways I can study the subject further, such as more information about your study or other resources. Thank you for anything you have.

    Cristy Hanlon
    West Virginia Univ - Parkersburg
    Parkersburg WV

  • 5.  RE: Upcoming sessions, topics that spark interest?

    Posted 05-04-2024 21:14:00
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    Hi Cristy,

     Sorry, I was swamped with final exam writing + grading and didn't get time to respond.Attached is my poster from the Mindfulness study, that was presented at AMATYC in 2021. Essentially, it was a pilot study using mindfulness instructions within the Math classroom to relieve anxiety. It was successful and I observed a 3% reduction in self reported Math anxiety levels. I haven't continued this study further, partly because it takes time to get all the permissions from students and partly because mindfulness apps are readily available now since the pandemic. One can simply point students to these resources. Also, when there's a need to give individual instruction on mindfulness, I can do so in office hours. This, I've done several times when a student is highly stressed about Math and other life happenings. Hope this is useful. Currently, I'm developing a mindful teaching technique which includes active listening, non-judgemental interaction, compassion and emulation. Feel free to contact me by phone or direct email. Our group will be meeting in June next, please join the zoom session.

    Manisha Ranade
    Associate Professor
    Santa Fe College
    Gainesville FL
