What does 100 hours working with elementary teachers and students during a sabbatical equal? A win-win-win ... 250+ artifacts, 14+ new activities, free labor for dedicated teachers. This session has broad appeal, with resources for preservice teacher educators, as well as lots of food for thought for any math instructor.A video recording of the session will be posted when it is made available to AMATYC.#2020VirtualConferencePresentation#TC-TeachinginK-12andApplyingMathtoCareers#Classroom Activity#PD-ProfessionalDevelopmentDept/Div.Issues
This is my video highlighting my work with elementary students that allowed me to develop 14 activities and countless artifacts for use in the Mathematics for Elementary Teachers courses. I also make the case for teaching MFET...MFET for all profs! Here is the link to the Google Drive with the activities that I promised in the video. Make sure to make copies of anything before you edit and make your own. https://drive.google.com/drive/folders/1Cb4tRZkn2PVJMzk3RMqNy3rrnX_oG2CO?usp=sharing00:22:42
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