The presenters are colleagues, a mathematician and a chemist, who collaborate to develop and implement basic principles of mathematics through chemistry labs. In this workshop, you will make carbon dioxide from your seats, capture it and apply essential concepts of mathematics to solve a...
AMATYC Presentation Atkinson _ Jenkins.mp4
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Explore topics from college algebra, liberal arts math, statistics, and calculus through the lens of trading stocks and options. This presentation aims to teach the basics of trading stocks and options using hands-on activities. Also included are classroom examples for use in various courses. ...
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In Statistics courses, research shows it is essential to have current and relevant data to keep students engaged. Learn how statistics from Latin American countries can help students understand the complexities of immigration in the US. Explore how today’s events can be transformed into global...
Gonzaga University’s basketball program has strongly evolved from an underdog, Cinderella program in the NCAA tournament to a national power, and contender for the national championship. Attendees will examine team statistics to analyze reasons for the growth of this program, including having...
Relevant domain and range are taught via a foreign currency exchange example. While travelling abroad, one exchanges dollars into the local currency, while losing some money in exchange fees. This problem is worked out in class and an extension is assigned as a discussion homework that generates...
Over the years, I have seen several "tricks" that students use to factor trinomials, especially when “a” is not 1. The question comes up after covering the "ac method" in class. Various student tricks will be presented with time allotted to discuss the mathematical merits of each one. Please...
This video presentation provides interventions and progress on a project that has been implemented at Wake Tech CC since 2018. #EQ-EquityInclusion #RG-ResearchGrants #IG-International,Cultural,GeneralInterest #2020VirtualConferencePresentation
This session is designed for faculty—especially those with students of color—who believe, “I don’t need equity training; I treat everyone the same.” The focus will be on how faculty introspection can improve racial awareness and understanding. Audience members will consider prompts individually...
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