Standards Documents

IMPACT Originally Published 

10-20-2022 14:09:01

The attached files include the Executive Summary and the complete version of the IMPACT document published in 2018

Suggested citation:
American Mathematical Association of Two-Year Colleges. (2018). IMPACT: Improving mathematical prowess and college teaching.

The following are links to webpages with individual sections of the document:

Suggested reference (Chapter 1 example):
American Mathematical Association of Two-Year Colleges. (2018). Chapter 1. Making an IMPACT: Generating the ripple effect.

Suggested citation (Chapter 1 example):
(American Mathematical Association of Two-Year Colleges [AMATYC], 2018, p. 7).

Chapter 1 (Making an IMPACT: Generating the Ripple Effect)
Chapter 2 (Who are We? Finding Our Voice)
Chapter 3 (Proficiency: Developing Students' Mathematical Knowledge)

Chapter 4 (Ownership: Taking Responsibility and Showing Initiative)
Chapter 5 (Engagement: Developing Intellectual Curiosity and Motivation in Learning Mathematics)
Chapter 6 (Student Success: Stimulating Student Achievement in Mathematics)
Chapter 7 (Continuing the Ripple: Bringing the Community Together to Accomplish Change)
Chapter 8 (Implications for Research: Moving the Research Agenda Forward in Mathematics in the First Two Years of College)
Chapter 9 (IMPACTing the Future: Answering the Call)

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2 Files
pdf file
IMPACT Executive Summary.pdf   243 KB   1 version
Uploaded - 10-20-2022
pdf file
IMPACT.pdf   1.51 MB   1 version
Uploaded - 10-20-2022

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