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 This month of IMPACT Live! is hosted by 

Teaching for PROWESS!

Next Month's Host: Developmental Mathematics

We are excited to see you at the 2024 Conference in Atlanta where AMATYC’s various Standards Revision Groups (SRG) will share their progress as they continue to solicit feedback from our membership.

A welcome message from Teaching for PROWESS!

Teaching for PROWESS

Engaging students, empowering faculty, enacting change.

Teaching for PROWESS is a diverse collaborative community of college educators dedicated to making systemic changes in introductory college mathematics with a focus on active learning in the classroom. The evidence from this ongoing research-based work will empower institutions, mathematics departments, and instructors to increase students’ success in the STEM pathway by fostering a growth mindset  and refining a process others can use to transform their institution.

Feel free to visit our website at for more project details, updates, as well as the tools we have developed as a part of this project supported by the National Science Foundation under Grants No. 2012962, 2013232, 2013493, 2013550.  You may also reach the project leadership at

In the meantime, please share your thoughts and experiences this month via our IMPACT Live! discussions!

Program Keys:

PD  Professional Development and Department/Division Interests

RG  Research and Grants

EQ Equity and Inclusivity

Hosting Team

Julie Phelps

Karen Gaines

Scot Pruyn

Fred Watts

IMPACT Chapter Highlight: Pillars for PROWESS


IMPACT Live! Features

Latest Discussions


  • The Teaching for PROWESS (TfP) project continues to lead the way in transforming mathematics education in the first two years ...

    1 person recommends this.
  • Our colleagues in AMATYC have never ceased to amaze me. Their dedication to mathematics education, especially to our students ...

  • Over the past two years, members of AMATYC have worked in teams to update Chapter 6 in Beyond Crossroads , which is about Curriculum ...