A welcome message from the Mathematics Intensive ANet!
The Mathematics Intensive Academic Network of AMATYC is dedicated to enhancing the teaching and learning of advanced mathematics courses commonly offered in the first two years of collegiate study. Our primary focus includes precalculus, calculus, differential equations, linear algebra, and discrete mathematics. We encourage you to submit a proposal for the upcoming national AMATYC conference in Reno.
In many smaller two-year institutions, there may be only a few instructors teaching these courses. Our network is highly collaborative and generous in sharing resources, so we invite you to join us.
We also convene via Zoom throughout the year to discuss critical topics such as the evolution of the precalculus curriculum, challenges in testing, advancements in artificial intelligence, and discrete mathematics. If you’d like to be invited to these meetings, please email bob.cappetta@amatyc.org.
In the meantime, please share your thoughts and experiences this month via our IMPACT Live! discussions!