Faculty collaborated on a grant project to design and implement corequisites in two pathways: Math Intensive and Quantitative Reasoning. The resulting framework was used to design curricula centered on student engagement through problem-solving and reasoning, student ownership, and on...
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The slide deck for the presentation is included, but at this time a video is not available. #PS-PathwaysforStudentSuccess #2020VirtualConferencePresentation
Charting a Course for Corequisites.pdf
California’s AB 705 resulted in the 114 community colleges experimenting with ways for students to succeed in transfer level mathematics without placement tests or developmental education prerequisites. Presenters will share a new math collaboration among National University in San Diego, the...
An audio recording of the session, a video recording of the session , as well as the chat are all included in this entry. #2020VirtualConferencePresentation #PS-PathwaysforStudentSuccess
This was co-presented by Julie Miller and Donna Gerken An audio recording of the session, a video recording, as well as the chat are all included in this entry. #2020VirtualConferencePresentation #PS-PathwaysforStudentSuccess
You've built your corequisite framework. Now, come hear about all the nitty-gritty details about what videos, assignments, and skills to include to make a great course! #PS-PathwaysforStudentSuccess #2020VirtualConferencePresentation
10 attachments
In this session, a corequisite model for Quantitative Reasoning and Statistics will be examined with ideas presented for ongoing improvement. Active learning techniques including group work and lab assignments incorporating a scaffold approach will be presented. Discuss ideas for creating a...
2 attachments
To read the entire Blog, click here. Colleges committed to improving racial equality in the STEM mathematics pathway can self-assess the degree to which they have implemented these practices and identify next steps to enhance their efforts to support URM students in the STEM math pathway. As...
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