What are some of your common frustrations about student performance in your classes? Maybe students arenโt putting in the time necessary to struggle with problems and understand concepts. Or they provide surface-level responses to your questions that were designed to make them think more deeply...
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We know that students struggle with abstract mathematical symbolism at all levels, starting in elementary school, and continuing through various levels in college. Students often work with symbols as though the goal were to move them around on the page in order to satisfy arbitrary rules. These...
Author(s): Dexter Lim, Bismark Akoto, Irene M. Duranczyk Algebra Instruction at Community Colleges (AI@CC) 1.0 and 2.0 are collaborative faculty research projects engaging community college researchers and practitioners with university research faculty and resources. Our first project...
Faculty collaborated on a grant project to design and implement corequisites in two pathways: Math Intensive and Quantitative Reasoning. The resulting framework was used to design curricula centered on student engagement through problem-solving and reasoning, student ownership, and on...
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This presentation describes a project that engaged faculty at three community colleges in Lesson Study, with the goal of improving instruction in a developmental-level quantitative literacy course. Lesson Study is a collaborative professional development model that gives instructors a framework...
2020 AMATYC_Lesson Study.pdf
This video presentation provides interventions and progress on a project that has been implemented at Wake Tech CC since 2018. https://use.vg/jf2Nc4 #EQ-EquityInclusion #RG-ResearchGrants #IG-International,Cultural,GeneralInterest #2020VirtualConferencePresentation
A three-year, grant-funded, collaborative effort between a math professor and a Certified Veterinary Technician is discussed. Medical Math for animals (and humans too) is integral for the technicians' careers and their board exams, but few solid resources are available. The instructors used...
4 attachments
Partnerships between PK-12 districts, two-year, and four-year colleges are critical to the mathematics success of all students. Hear about the major priority areas for research and practice collaborations. An audio recording of the session, a video recording, as well as the chat are all...
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