Title: 5 Practices for Orchestrating Productive Mathematics Discussions - 2nd Edition Author: Margaret S. Smith and Mary Kay Stein Brief description: Learn the 5 practices for facilitating effective inquiry-oriented classrooms: Anticipating what students will do--what...
What are some of your common frustrations about student performance in your classes? Maybe students aren’t putting in the time necessary to struggle with problems and understand concepts. Or they provide surface-level responses to your questions that were designed to make them think more deeply...
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The presenters are colleagues, a mathematician and a chemist, who collaborate to develop and implement basic principles of mathematics through chemistry labs. In this workshop, you will make carbon dioxide from your seats, capture it and apply essential concepts of mathematics to solve a...
AMATYC Presentation Atkinson _ Jenkins.mp4
What does 100 hours working with elementary teachers and students during a sabbatical equal? A win-win-win ... 250+ artifacts, 14+ new activities, free labor for dedicated teachers. This session has broad appeal, with resources for preservice teacher educators, as well as lots of food for...
This presentation describes a project that engaged faculty at three community colleges in Lesson Study, with the goal of improving instruction in a developmental-level quantitative literacy course. Lesson Study is a collaborative professional development model that gives instructors a framework...
2020 AMATYC_Lesson Study.pdf
A three-year, grant-funded, collaborative effort between a math professor and a Certified Veterinary Technician is discussed. Medical Math for animals (and humans too) is integral for the technicians' careers and their board exams, but few solid resources are available. The instructors used...
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NCTM recently released the Catalyzing Change series with recommendations for PK-12 mathematics to initiate critical conversations for improving mathematics teaching and learning. What are the implications for students and faculty in two-year colleges? What partnerships can be developed for a...
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Partnerships between PK-12 districts, two-year, and four-year colleges are critical to the mathematics success of all students. Hear about the major priority areas for research and practice collaborations. An audio recording of the session, a video recording, as well as the chat are all...
Change is a constant in developmental education, particularly with more states creating mandates to increase completion. This session will look at common issues between faculty and administrators and their causes. Actionable tips will be provided to support faculty as they work with...
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