Explore how to increase access to mathematics for underrepresented students. Get activities, identity projects, and a variety of methods to incorporate into your classes right away. Building relationships, challenging stereotypes in word problems, and acknowledging privilege are just a few...
AMATYC 2020 (5A) Culturally Responsive Methods and Activities You Can Use on Monday.mp4
This session will focus on the joint TODOS and NCSM position paper on social justice and the three components necessary for a just system of mathematics education. Personal roles and behaviors will be examined as well as school structures, frameworks and environments. #EQ-EquityInclusion ...
This video presentation provides interventions and progress on a project that has been implemented at Wake Tech CC since 2018. https://use.vg/jf2Nc4 #EQ-EquityInclusion #RG-ResearchGrants #IG-International,Cultural,GeneralInterest #2020VirtualConferencePresentation
“Uncomfortable” problems permeate the mathematics curriculum. In this session, the Condominium Problem is highlighted as a problem that elicits feelings of exclusion with respect to gender identity and sexual orientation. Should teachers continue using such problems? How can students’ dignity be...
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This was co-presented by Amy Hatfield and Jessica Lickeri An audio recording of the session, a video recording, as well as the chat are all included in this entry. #2020VirtualConferencePresentation #EQ-EquityInclusion
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This session was presented by Tuan Dean #EQ-EquityInclusion #2020VirtualConferencePresentation
Session Description: "This session will give examples of equity and social justice topics that can be used to provide context for general probability and descriptive statistics, appropriate for either a quantitative literacy or introductory statistics course." Please feel free to contact me with...
This session is designed for faculty—especially those with students of color—who believe, “I don’t need equity training; I treat everyone the same.” The focus will be on how faculty introspection can improve racial awareness and understanding. Audience members will consider prompts individually...
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In this interactive session, participants will engage with a change tool developed in the NSF funded project Transitioning Learners to Calculus in Community Colleges (TLC3, IUSE 1625918) that will help mathematics programs identify and remove barriers for underrepresented racially minoritized...
To read the entire Blog, click here. Colleges committed to improving racial equality in the STEM mathematics pathway can self-assess the degree to which they have implemented these practices and identify next steps to enhance their efforts to support URM students in the STEM math pathway. As...
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